Friday, June 17, 2011

Oregon Trip

Last Wednesday, I flew up to Oregon to visit my grandma and drive back to California with her. In total it was a 2 day trip and a total breath of fresh air.

I love plains. I love a lot of things, but in particular planes and airports. I love the constant feeling of people going places. Then when you get on the plain their is an overall calm after takeoff and it is mostly quiet. I had three flights on Wednesday in order to get to Oregon. I booked the cheapest flight... which meant 2 layovers and 11 hours of either being in an airport or up in the air. I didn't mind at all.

On my first flight, I wrote this:

Streaming through the sky, looking down on a world so huge. I feel like an ant in an ant hill. So small. All the cars moving through the streets look like toys. All of the people seem to be going somewhere. From above, all of the societal charades seem meaningless. That new car? means nothing. That lavish home? means nothing. Your job title? means nothing. From above, the question hits me...What is the meaning of life? Why all of the charades? We all spend money on things that mean nothing. Do we mean nothing? The time keeps running. Wasted time. Just living to stay alive. I want to break free. I want to move past this tiny world. No need for fancy cars. No need for name brand clothes. No need for fluff. I want to be free. I want to mean something. I want to expand my tiny world.
I believe this is Crater Lake in Oregon. Photobucket
I believe this is Mt. Hood, maybe Mt. Shasta. I'll never know for sure. Photobucket
That'd be my FAB seat-mate on my second flight. This awesome woman is Mia. So happy I met her on the flight. She was so lovely. The picture to the right is the sunset over Portland, Oregon.
This is my awesome Grandma and her husband. LOVE them :)
I just HAD to post this. This is my grandmas dog, Bruno. Isn't he adorable?!?!
My grandma is cooler than yours, you know why?!?! Because she has a squirrel as a pet, DUH.
Not a very good picture of either of us. I just wanted to point out that we both have the same squint-eye. HA.

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